A huge part of succeeding in life is seeking support and guidance. Navigating the world is hard and no one can do it alone. There is no shame in asking for help, rather this is a strength. Recognizing when you or a loved one may need a little bit of extra support in an area of life is a big step in the process of succeeding and reaching goals. iElevate is a service that was founded by and is carried out by, licensed Occupational Therapist, Danielle Feerst (OTR/L). You can read more about Danielle by clicking here.
The iElevate team primarily works with teens and young adults on the Autism Spectrum but services are open to ALL teens and adults who are looking for extra support or guidance in life, regardless of diagnosis (ASD, ADHD, ADD, ODD, etc.) or even lack of diagnosis.
Many of our clients seek support for:
Relationships (Social, Professional, and/ or Romantic)
Gaining and Maintaining Employment
Transition Planning
Life Skills
Independent Living
And More

We offer our services in a variety of formats. iElevate is based in Charleston, South Carolina, and offers in person options but also provides virtual services for anyone around the globe. At the time of writing this post, we have clients in all corners of the United States! iElevate offers one on one coaching with Danielle as well as peer coaches, social groups, community partnerships, transition support services, non-profit consulting, and optional parent/caregiver meetings.
When asking if iElevate services are right for you, you should ask yourself:
Am I ready to be honest with myself?
Do I know what I want to gain from coaching?
If the answer to both of these questions is “yes,” then you are a perfect candidate for iElevate services!
It is necessary to ask yourself these two questions before committing to any coaching or therapy service. You should be prepared to hold yourself accountable to the best of your ability outside of coaching calls. Of course, while the iElevate Team is always there for you, (only an email or call away), the purpose of our services is to empower the client by equipping them with the tools, strategies, and experience through evidence based coaching. This means if, during coaching meetings, the client is not reporting honest updates on goal progress, and it is difficult for the coach to help adjust or adapt approaches so that progress can be made. The client's success is largely dependent on their honest feedback so that services can be best customized to allow for success.
Additionally, before starting coaching services, a client should have a general idea of what they would like to gain from iElevate. Of course, these goals do not need to be specific or have a corresponding detailed plan! By simply having a goal of gaining more independence, moving our, finding a job, etc., iElevate can work with you to create a strategic plan to fit your wants and needs.
Make sure to conduct thorough research when searching for appropriate services. Is the provider licensed? Sadly, there are many coaching services out there that are run by those without any real certifications or formal education. Here at iElevate, Danielle Feerst OTR/L has ample experience, completed extensive schooling, and received her Masters of Occupational Therapy from the prestigious Tufts University. We encourage clients to ask questions about our qualifications and knowledge base. It is our hope that through clients feeling empowered to ask questions, they find a service that is the best fit for them and ensures that they are making a wise investment for their future.
If this blog sparked questions, concerns, or resonated with you, please reach out to Danielle Feerst OTR/L by clicking here to book a FREE 30 minute consultation. It is important to note that a free consultation is simply a way for you to learn how Danielle can help you along your journey! No matter where you are in your journey or what your goals are, Danielle Feerst OTR/L is a fantastic resource. Danielle Feerst OTR/L has several years of experience working with young adults who are working towards a meaningful life. Along with her Peer Mentors, Danielle and the rest of iElevate have several other ideas, experiences, and expertise in working with young adults with social emotional learning differences to promote living a fully engaged life. Our team works closely to personalize interventions to fit your unique situation. We do this to empower clients to reach their full potential. In addition, you can connect with us on our Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. If you have any ideas for future blog posts, feel free to message us on any of our social media accounts or email us at ielevatesc@gmail.com .
Written byMadison Gies, Peer Mentor/ Coach, OTDS